- 0758-366518
- info@safinaradio.co.tz
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Bank Transfer: CRDB Bank, Tshs A/c No. 01J10-35501100, US$ A/c No. 02J10-35501100, Swift CORUTZTZ
M-Pesa: 0758-366518
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About Us
Radio communication has become a very important media through which listeners can be informed on matters of world news, economic trends, numerous development issues concerning Societies and communities, Sports, entertainments and more important matters concerning spiritual nurture.
The impact of radio on the development of our country is tremendous. Its ability to influence and shape people is significant.
As such there can never be enough broadcasting stations to cover the varied tastes.
Radio Safina gets its mandate to operate through its legal registration and licensing. Safina Radio 92.6 FM. is registered under the name of ‘’Safina Radio and Television’’, with registration No. 143709 of March 2004. It is an independent non-denominational, none-profit making Christian Radio.
Safina hall at mbauda street
Safina Radio Programs are also touching on other religions. It operates 24 hours.
In addition to radio program, a hall has been constructed at Mbauda to accommodate up to 5000 people. The hall is being used for preaching the word of God, praise and worship, to share appropriate practical knowledge, skills and messages of hope and advices from various experts who are willing to share and to educate people on various aspects of life as messages of hope to improve on their standards of living. To share community health knowledge, education, environment, nutrition, good behavior and conduct for youths and even adults, women/men’s behavior and expected relationships and marriages.
It has always been the intension of Safina to produce good quality, relevant and attractive program for every age group, gender and strata of the society. To network with the existing like organizations for mutual benefits. All program and teachings that take place in this hall are transmitted to all places reached by the present Safina Radio network .The two works together closely ie the Hall and the Radio Safina radio has come up at the time of significant spiritual awakening among the people when there seems to be a great hunger for the word of God and hence the presence of willing – audience
- Our core value is: to teach the word of God praise, worship, prayers intercession, development issue and technological programs.
- Our Mission is: to teach the word of God praise, worship, prayers intercession, development issue and technological programs.
- Our Vission: Safina Radio Vision Statement is: A people under the umbrella of the Word of God blessed mentally, physically and spiritually.
- Our Motto: The Fountain of Abundant Life Chemi-chemi Ya Uzima Tele